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Welcome to BIOL 1114
BIOL1114 is a course for science and non-science majors. This course will introduce students to the integration between structure and function among all levels of biological organization.

Students will learn to apply principles of evolution, genetics, physiology and ecology to understanding the integrated and interdependent nature of living systems through discussions that emphasize the process of science. Observation and investigation are emphasized in both lecture and lab.

Select some of the links demonstrating some of the features that are not password protected.

Course description and more
Here you can find an article describing the course, sample materials, and project abstracts.

NABT Conference, Montreal, Que. - Fall 2001
This link provides handouts that accompanied the presentations and workshops given at the conference.

NARST Conference, St Louis - Spring 2001
This link provides the paper that accompanied the presentation given at the conference.

NABT Conference, Orlando, FL. - Fall 2000
This link provides handouts that accompanied the presentations and workshops given at the conference.

NSTA Conference, Orlando, FL. - Spring 2000
This link provides the handout for the presentation on the investigative laboratories from BIOL 1114. It is in PDF format

Best F.I.T. Conference-Fall 1999
This page provides a presentation and a set of example materials from BIOL 1114.

Rainbow Connection
This is an example of a tutorial using Macromedia's Authorware created for BIOL 1114.