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Course Schedule - Spring 2002

Lab Topic
14 Jan
Psychics and Scientists: A series of short scenarios will center on measurement of psychic phenomena, a faculty research question, a breath holding experiment, analysis of class score data, to introduce the concepts of hypotheses testing, scientific predictions, experimental design, and what is a theory. Form Groups, Learn lab rules
21 Jan
Martin Luther King Holiday: No Class
21 Jan
Surviving Fire and Ice: The scenario focuses on surviving in desert and tundra and adaptations for thermoregulation and water retention. Larger Quattro variegatus are eaten more often because they are easier to see
25 Jan
Last day to drop with no grade
28 Jan
Out of the Rain Forest: An aboriginal fishing expedition in the rain forest is explored in terms of the action of a toxin produced by plants. Pesticides, coevolution, cell membrane function and cell respiration will be discussed. Body shapes influence the rate of heat gain or loss in a predictable way.
4 Feb
Out of the Rain Forest continued. How is metabolic rate influenced by ambient temperature?
11 Feb
EXAM 1 at 5:30 pm in CLB 313
11 Feb
Chemical Defenses: A Nigerian child eats a poisonous bean, which requires extraordinary treatment by the local physician, framing investigation of cell membrane structure, secretion, intercellular communication, and neurons. How do various factors influence the passage of materials through a membrane?
18 Feb
Marooned in the Galapagos: This trip raises questions about what makes a species or organism successful. Attention to the physical character of these desert islands and animals living there highlights natural selection in action. How can cell structure be used to identify cell type, function, or location?
25 Feb
Rainbow Connection: A scuba diving botanist is sent by the Smithsonian to collect algae. Blood is spilled and the biological uses of colored light, including photosynthesis, are explored. How does seed/nut diversity and abundance influence survival of birds with different beak types?
4 Mar
Rainbow Connection continued. How does the color of light influence plant growth?
11 Mar
Exam 2 at 5:30 pm. in CLB 313  
11 Mar
Emerging Diseases: On the Amazon we meet the Yanomami amidst a breaking TB epidemic, raising the roles of symbiosis, population dynamics and evolution in development of epidemics. What factor(s) result in the greatest water loss from soil with plant cover?
18 Mar
Spring Break - No Class  
25 Mar
Emerging Diseases continued. Does drug type or UV radiation influence evolution of antibiotic resistance?
1 Apr
Family Reunion: A family reunion opens the door to talk about cancer, DNA, protein synthesis, genetically determined diseases and biotechnology. How can the genetic composition of bacteria be altered in the laboratory?
8 Apr
Family Reunion continued. How can genetic material be identified in the laboratory?
12 Apr
Last day to drop with automatic W
15 Apr

Exam 3 at 5:30 pm in CLB 313

15 Apr
Family Reunion continued. Hogs & Chickens: Statistics about concentrated animal feeding operations raise questions about nutrients in biogeochemical cycles, the effects of livestock and people on aquatic systems and the history of sewage. Does sewage affect benthic and algal species diversity in streams?
22 Apr
Hogs & Chickens continued.Why We Care about Fat: our contemporary preoccupation with fat sets the scene for a discussion of fat metabolism, its genetic, nervous and hormonal control, and behavioral implications. What leads to anoxia in polluted streams?
29 Apr
Why We Care about Fat continued. On what basis do male or female guppies select mates?
9 May
FINAL EXAM at 4:30 - 6:20pm in CLB 313

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