Donald P. French, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Zoology
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-3052
Phone (ofc): 405-744-9690
Phone(lab): 405-744-5664
Phone(fax): 405-744-7824
http://zoology.okstate.edu/zoo_fclt/french.htm |
- Connie P. Russell,Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Angelo State University
Box 10890, ASU Station
San Angelo, TX 76909
- ext. 251
- Connie.Russell@angelo.edu
- French, D. P. Converting the Labs in an Introductory Biology Course
from Cookbook to Investigative. National Association of Biology Teachers
Convention, Orlando 27 October 2000
- We created fourteen inquiry-based laboratories that can be completed
in one lab period. Experience one of our labs and brainstorm on converting
one of yours. Abstract Presentation
- Russell, C. P. and D. P. French. Mid-level assessment of an inquiry-based
biology course. National Association of Biology Teachers Convention,
Orlando 27 October 2000
- We reported on a study in which we compared upper-division students
who had taken an inquiry-based introductory biology course to those
who did not. Abstract Presentation
( to request a copy of the lab manual contact Ms.
Rhonda Goedeker at Harcourt College Publishers)
- French, D. P. Panel Discussion: Using multimedia scenarios to engage
students in cooperative learning. National Association of Biology Teachers
Convention, Orlando 26 October 2000
- This presentation preceded a discussion of challenges we face and
the way we solve them. I used The
Rainbow Connection scenario presentation as an example of a tool
we use to present a problem.
- French, D. P. MERLOT: A National Teaching and Learning Network
for Faculty. National Association of Biology Teachers Convention, Orlando
25 October 2000
- This poster described a on-line learning community that faculty can
join for free and use to search for peer reviewed learning materials
and other faculty in biology, chemistry, physics or teacher education
with similar interests in multimedia and on-line learning Abstract