Scenario: Americans live in a culture often obsessed with fat, for two main reasons our health and appearance. We explore the evolutionary role that fat plays in animal physiology and examine how that role has been distorted in humans as our intake of dietary fat has increased. Physical attractiveness also plays a role in our human perception of the value of fat. We will explore the topic of sexual selection in animal reproductive success and discuss how it impacts our understanding of human behavior.
text explanation
Questions |
Examples of In-Class Discussion Questions:
Related Laboratory Experiments and Tutorials:
Lab 14: How
do guppies select mates?
Corresponding Essential Study Partner (ESP online) Segments:
The Essential Study Partner is part of the McGraw-Hill Web Site.
To access it go here. Then follow these relevant paths below:
Many of these are figures and accompanying text, but some are video clips that should help you see the process in action.
Which person do you think is more attractive? Take the Sarah Survey
View the Pygmey Sunfish Courtship (example of sneaky male).
The site for your textbook Life by Ricki Lewis
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Dietary guidelines for Americans Contains seven simple dietary guidelines, established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to help individuals meet nutrient requirements, promote health, support active lives, and reduce chronic disease risks. |
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Top health frauds Compiled by the FDA, this information provides a general summary of several forms of health fraud that occur within the United States. |
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Leptin, the fat hormone Contains a description of Leptin, while explaining its role within the body, and providing an overview of Leptin-related research. |
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Beauty and evolutionary biology Discusses the topics of Darwinian aesthetics, human beauty and interactions between strangers; EXPLORE THE LINKS (beware, some of the project links contain nudity)...A very interesting site! |
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Female Choice Discusses female choice with respect to male resources, nuptial gifts, male appearance, and courtship displays. |
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From Episode 5:Sex
on the PBS evolution site you can |
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of Fluctuating Asymmetry on Mating Behavior in Insects discuses how
females select males possessing nearly symmetrical forewings, rejecting those with higher fluctuating asymmetries. |
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Mate Selection and Sexual Dimorphism in Nothobranchius This article explains how color in both females and males effects mate selection. |
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Monogamy may be in the genes Prairie voles are loving partners and parents. Is this because of their genes or true love? |
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Sexual Selection can be a difficult idea to understand, so check out this site. It defines it and gives many good examples. |
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For those of you who want to look deeper into sexual selection here are some references. |
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This site explains the difference between natural selection and sexual selection, going more indepth about sexual selection. |
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of courtship rituals involve more than just the initial geting-to-know-you
phase of the relationship for some species. |
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Can't find a mate to suit you? Choosing a Mate is difficult for fish too. |
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Why humans are sensitive to mirror symmetry? What make us beautiful? |
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Brain asymmetry and facial attractiveness: Facial beauty is not simply in the eye of the beholder. |
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Here is an indepth site on Mate Choice |
This site has really good ideas on how to setup your guppy lab. |
The website for your textbook has flashcards organised by chapters. You are only responsible for topics discussed in class. For this scenario, flashcards with the Major Terms Introduced can be found in:
Chapter 33: The Endocrine System
Chapter 41: Animal Behavior